Familia Romana cover

Familia Romana Essentials Online - Course Instructors

Student Price: $39.95 for a 12-month subscription.

Completely updated on a new and improved platform, Familia Romana Essentials Online offers students and instructors a fully digital Latin learning experience for Pars I of the Lingua Latina series. It can be used independently of, or in conjunction with, additional Lingva Latina print supplements. Familia Romana Essential Online includes the complete Familia Romana text in eBook format, auto-correcting exercises from Exercitia Latina I, audio recordings of the text for listening comprehension practice, flashcard sets for vocabulary practice, a searchable Latin/English glossary that includes all vocabulary from Familia Romana, and more.


Versions of the course: 

The course is currently available in two versions, one with classical pronunciaton audio (Familia Romana read by Hans H. Ørberg), and one with ecclesiastical pronunciation audio (Familia Romana read by the faculty of Wyoming Catholic College). Both versions of the course require that students use long vowel marks (macrons) when completing the short answer fill-in-the-blank questions matching Hans H. Ørberg's answer key for Exercitia Latina I and the Pensum activities from Familia Romana. If you prefer that your students not be required to use macrons for the short answer responses please email support@hackettpublishing.com. Versions of the course are available that do not require macrons upon request.


Course Instructor Preview:

Classical pronunciation audio version: create a user account and request instructor access to the classical audio version.

Ecclesiastical pronunciation audio version: create a user account and request instructor access to the ecclesiastical.

Requests are processed within one business day and you'll recieve a confirmation email once approved. The confirmation email includes a student purchase link and LTI integration information (for optional single sign-on to the course platform through your school's LMS). Please email support@hackettpublishing.com if you have any questions.


Students and self-paced learners: 

If you are a student enrolled in an instructor-led class using Familia Romana Essentials Online please contact your instructor for the student registration link for your class or email support@hackettpublishing.com for help. 

If you are an individual learner interested in purchasing access to a self-paced version of the course please create a user account and purchase access to the classical audio version here, and the ecclesiastical audio version here.


FAQs for course instructors:

Q. I would like to adopt Familia Romana Essentials Online for my class, how to my students purchase access?

A. Please refer to your instructor approval email auto-sent after your instructor access request was approved. If you cannot find that email contact support@hackettpublishing.com. Students can purchase the course directly on the courseware platform using the link for your course. If your school would like to purchase access for your students, or if your school bookstore would like to purchase access codes for resale to students, please email support@hackettpublishing.com.


Q. How much does access to Familia Romana Essentials Online cost and for how long will students have access?

A. The student cost is $39.95. Students will have access for 12-months from the day they purchase access. There is no cost for course instructors.


Q. My school uses Canvas, Blackboard, Moodle, or another LMS. Is there a way to integrate Familia Romana Essentials Online into my school’s LMS?

A. Yes, the Junction Education platform allows for single sign-on integration with most major LMS platforms, such as Canvas and Blackboard. To enable single sign-on you will need the LTI information provided in your instructor welcome email (received after your request for access to Familia Romana Essentials Online is approved). Please email support@hackettpublishing.com if you need that information resent and contact your school's LMS support for assistance enabling the single sign-on for your school's LMS platform.


Q. What happens if my student drops the class? Will they be refunded if they’ve already purchased access to the workbook?

A. Yes, students will have a two-week period (14 days from the start of the class) to request a refund. Students can still purchase access throughout the semester, with instructor approval, but the cost will remain $39.95.


Q. Who do I or my students contact if there is a problem accessing the online workbook? During what hours is support available?

A. Please direct all support or access questions to support@hackettpublishing.com. Support is available during regular business hours (9am – 5pm ET, Mon – Fri) and most support emails will be answered within one business day or sooner.


Q. What devices/browsers is Familia Romana Essentials Online compatible with?

A. The Junction software platform that runs Familia Romana Essentials Online is designed to work on all major internet browsers. The Junction platform is also natively responsive for optimal viewing on tablets and smaller screens. When using the course on a tablet or mobile device landscape view is recommended.


Q. Can I customize my course? Is there an instructor guide available? Who do I contact if I have additional questions?

A. Yes, all instructors have the ability to adjust general course settings like assignment due dates and student grades. There is an instructor guide (as well as a student guide) available on the course homepage for instructors to reference. Additional customization access to hide or remove course pages and activities is available upon request. If you have questions about course editing, or a question not addressed on this page, please email support@hackettpublishing.com.