La Culture Francophone book cover

La Culture Francophone: le monde à l’écoute film availability:

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1) Chocolat (Claire Denis): Amazon US DVD (region 1); DVD (region 1)

2) La Noire de …: YouTube (free streaming)

3) Xala: StreamComplet (free streaming); YouTube (free streaming)

4) Inch’Allah dimanche: Amazon US DVD (region 1); Amazon Video (rent or buy digital)

5) Indigènes: StreamComplet (free streaming); Amazon US DVD/Blue-ray (region 2); DVD/Blue-ray (region 2)

6) Rue cases-nègres: Amazon US DVD (region 2); DVD (region 2)

7) La grande seduction: StreamComplet (free streaming); Amazon US DVD (region 1); DVD (region 2)

8) Métisse ( =Café au lait): StreamComplet (free streaming)

9. Entre les murs ( =The Class): StreamComplet (free streaming); GooglePlay (rent or buy digital); YouTube (rent digital); Amazon US (buy region 1 DVD or buy/rent digital); (buy region 2 DVD); iTunes (rent or buy digital)

10. Ma vie en rose: StreamComplet (free streaming); GooglePlay (rent or buy digital); YouTube (rent digital); Amazon US (buy region 1 DVD or buy/rent digital); iTunes (rent or buy digital)

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