Quiz 10

Plato, Apology


1. Which of the following analogies does Socrates compel Meletus to accept in the Apology:
a. agnosticism is to belief as atheism is to disbelief.
b. Socrates is loyal to the city as Meletus is loyal to it.
c. Socrates imparts knowledge to the youth as teachers impart knowledge to students.
d. horses are to horse activities as gods are to divine activities.

2. In the Apology Socrates takes the Oracle’s pronouncement that Socrates is wisest to
mean that:

a. Socrates has great knowledge.
b. Socrates knows only that he lacks most knowledge.
c. Socrates does not know that he has much knowledge.
d. although others have knowledge, Socrates knows more.

3. Socrates says “You cannot be believed, Meletus, even, I think, by yourself” because:
a. Meletus affirms that Socrates believes in gods and that he is an atheist.
b. Meletus is insincere in his prosecution of Socrates for not believing in the gods of the city.
c. Meletus fails to recognize that if one believes in divine activities one must believe in gods.
d. Meletus prosecutes Socrates for disloyalty to the city, but Meletus fails to care about the youth of the city.

4. In the Apology, the legal deposition against Socrates alleges that he:
a. believes in false gods.
b. does not believe in true gods.
c. is an agnostic.
d. is an atheist.

5. Socrates claims that, despite the jury’s verdict, he cannot stop philosophizing and
speaking because:

a. he enjoys it.
b. it is of the greatest importance.
c. to stop would be to disobey the gods.
d. others want to hear him.



[Answers: 1. D   2. B   3. A   4. A   5. C]

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